Leg 6: Albuquerque, New Mexico
GS II - Leg 6
Albuquerque to Grants to Santa Fe (Pre-1937)
“When the Rolling Gets Tough, the Tough Slow Their Rolling”
Hola’ Y’all! If you have followed along you know we have been challenged by some extreme weather across northern New Mexico. Forest fires and wind, no, historic winds, have lent to some creative Mother Road planning. That’s right, “Wind is the root of our Route 66 Re-Route!” (Try saying that 3 times real fast..) 😂
This area has much more of the original Pre-1937 highway including the longest stretch Urban 66 on the the entire trek, so we slowed to smell the roses, or in this case, the hatch green chilis. Our first venture was to head back to Grants via an 18 mile stretch of abandoned road. Traveling this section is surreal as it has not been maintained since 1973 when the Interstate took over. Since no services were here previously, this passage was left to languish back into the desert, it’s fate was present with every chuckhole and frost heave. After 18 miles of this we were rewarded with a dead end! Dry earth and rock mounds were piled up to prevent “sane” motorists from venturing down this pitted relic! New plan: “Switch off your ABS, change traction control to Enduro, and point your bike down the single track trails leading towards I-40. What else? Sand, rocks, and a dry river crossing got us back to the Insterstate in no time. Whew! 😅
The URANIUM Mining Museum in Grants was our reward for the hard riding that day, and we were both glowing with excitement upon returning home... GLOWING... get it? (John made me!) ☺️
Our next ride was with our friends ,Scott and Genevieve, down ⬇️ and up ⬆️ the Sandia Crest to Sante Fe including Madrid, yes, that Madrid from “Wild Hogs.” This sleepy little village existed long before Hollywood descended on it years ago, but now this town thrives on the connection to John Travolta and Tim Allen. The purchase of a Del Fuego’s shirt for John from Maggies and we hit the road. “I just wanna ride man, I just wanna ride!” 🏍 And ride we do, splitting the fires that dot the hillside of Los Alamos and Las Vegas.
In Santa Fe we visited the Oldest House and the Oldest Church in our nation’s Oldest Capital City. John even told his oldest joke: A priest, a rabbi, and.... “Save it for another day” we all shout! We point the bikes back into the ever present New Mexico winds. 💨John, Scott, and I play a game of “Don’t let you feet touch” for miles through Santa Fe. Tip: Never play this game with a retired Highway Patrol Motorcycle Instructor... you will lose. 😳
As you can see, slowing our roll has allowed us to enjoy more than just what the road has to offer. An Isotopes minor league game, a Diner’s, Drive-Ins and Dive meal, and a little hiking have highlighted our slower pace. We may even be able to have our damaged truck repaired as we take in “The Land of Enchantment.” Continuing from Albuquerque next week...
“When the Rolling Gets Tough, the Tough Slow Their Rolling”
Travel safe and we will see y’all out on “The Mother Road!”
Caroline and John 🍀
Hiking the Petroglyphs in New Mexico.
And finally… The Enchanted Circle Ride not on Route 66.
Scenic Motorcycle Routes:
The Enchanted Circle Ride!
Regions of America have iconic motorcycle ride locations and we always try and find a way to enjoy them. New Mexico has the Enchanted Circle and it is a true joy. It is impossible to capture the true beauty of an area and still rude 400 miles in a day.
Our day included touring through secluded Angel Fire, charming Red River, and the destination town of Taos, New Mexico. Final stop: the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. A 1280 foot long bridge spanning 600 feet above the Rio Grande River.
Keep hanging on for the ride!
Travel safe and we will catch you out on the road! 🏍