Leg 7: Route 66 to Amarillo, Texas

GS II – Leg Seven

Albuquerque to Amarillo (Our Halfway Point)

Q:       ” Magic 8 Ball, should we ride to the Midway Point and Back?”


Call it what you want, cabin fever, restlessness, fender frustration, or just plain stir crazy… our desire to get back out on the Mother Road has brought us to this: Consulting a Magic 8 Ball ✨🎱✨ for direction. That said, let’s toss it in the tank bag and head out to the center of our quest, Adrian, Texas, and all of the signs in-between.

As we head East of the ABQ our first stop will be the Blue Hole of Santa Rosa, New Mexico. It’s legendary clarity does not disappoint. Deep blue and inviting us to dive in… I know, let’s ask the ball.


Well, you can’t blame us as we have hundreds of miles ahead and sliding in and out of motorcycle gear can be a challenge in itself.

Next question.

Me:    “Fuel up or push to Tucumcari?”


Me:    “Concentrate?! Yeah, right. Tucumcari, here we come!

The disserted town of Tucumcari is now half it’s population of 1950, around 4800. Yet, all of the “Signs” of the vibrant past still remain. We had a blast cruising up and down it’s wide berth alternating between locations to snap a quick photo of it’s displaced self. Needing fuel, we take the first station we find, but it is out of petrol….

Me:    “What about the Chevron over there?”

🎱...        “YOU MAY RELY ON IT”

Me:    “Correct again!”

It is with a full tank and with the confidence of our trusted source that we venture on. San Jon to Glenrio was an adventure unto itself. This is OLD road, almost all of it dirt and gravel wash. Aren’t we glad we put those Dunlop Trail Max tires on?

🎱...        “AS I SEE IT, YES”

Me:    “I wasn’t asking you 8 Ball, I need to concentrate. Concentrate… There’s that word again!”

Glenrio. The first town in Texas and the last town in Texas. Population… One! This was the film location for the “Grapes of Wrath” and nothing remains except the Boulevard Strip of the old road with grasses punching through it’s many cracks. A real sense of the passing of time is present here: both eerie and empty.

Me:    “Hey, Eight Buddy, will we make it to Midway Café in time for a slice of pie?”

🎱...       “MY SOURCES SAY NO”

We arrive to the owners locking up at the Midway Café. Wow, this ball is starting to frighten me!  No pie, but also no traffic. The location to ourselves, the Midpoint of Route 66: ⬅️1139 – 1139➡️ miles to go. Great for taking photos, not so great for John’s sweet tooth. PIE

A quick stop in Vega and the wonderful dust bowl museum, and then we head to Amarillo for the night. The lines for dinner at the Big Texan was out the door. We know 8’s answer…


The Amarillo, Texas stretch is a living corridor of the road.

Me:    “8 Ball, this place is happening, right?”

🎱...        “IT IS DECIDEDLY SO”

Me:    “We are loving you eight ball…”

🎱...        “REPLY HAZY, TRY AGAIN”

Me:    “That was a statement… NOT a question eight. Jeez!”

The Visitors Center, the Ivy Antique Shop, and the Cadillac Ranch stamps are now completed in our Passport book. While in Amarillo, the GMC dealer called to say they have received all the truck parts and we are now scheduled for repairs next week. We are about to roll again!

Me:    “8 Ball, will this week go smoothly?”

🎱...        “DON’T COUNT ON IT”


🎱...        “CANNOT PREDICT NOW”

Shake, shake…

🎱...        “ASK AGAIN LATER”

Shake, shake, shake!!!

🎱...       “WITHOUT A DOUBT”

Me:    “Thank you eight ball. I knew you would show us the sign!” 😳

Q:       Magic 8 Ball, should we ride to the Midway Point and Back?”


Thanks for reading. ✨🎱✨

Travel safe and we will see you out on the Mother Road… very soon!

Caroline and John 🍀


Leg 8: The 18 Miles of 66 thru Albuquerque... and a Mission or Three


Leg 6: Albuquerque, New Mexico