Eugene, Oregon
A fun week with Connor and Brandy!
Eugene, Oregon
After spending one month in Medford, Oregon and finishing all of the needed items for medical, dental, storage unit, motorcycle service, AND everything else, we headed to Eugene. Our time in Medford was a revolving door of visitors, making a desk, RV repairs and preparation for travel, as well as travel to Boston and Seattle. A whirlwind of activity with very little down time. We did take two motorcycle rides but did not fit in time for a hike or bike ride.
As we drove out of Southern Oregon we felt this sense of relief and peace. We were on our way. The world is in a state of incredible inflation, the Russian war on Ukraine, and a border crisis for our own country. Gas prices are rising daily and we paid 5.09 a gallon for diesel. The pandemic is “almost over” and masks will not be required soon. That too has been crazy since our 3 month in Arizona we did not wear a mask “for 5 minutes!”
Our plan while in Eugene are only to see our son Connor and visit family in the area.
A walk at the dog park, dinner with Connor, and a visit with Kathy has been off to a great start. Today we are finishing all of those final details for travel: the two batteries need a vented cover, the computer is now packed in a safe travel bag, the TPMS needs installed, and multiple other things like taxes, bills, and of course this journal must all be completed before we start the Route 66 path! We can do it!!
Alton Baker Dog Park in Eugene: Left to right: Connor, John, Brandy, and Earl!
Points of Interest:
Alton Baker Dog Park - One of the nicest dag parks we have seen.
Meet at Max’s Tavern: serving the Eugene area since 1932.
Coburg Pizza Company is a delicious option and right around the corner from the RV park.
Covered Bridges Scenic Bikeway: A 36 mile scenic bikeway that begins and ends in the All America City of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
The Duck Chuck: An annual Disc Gold fundraising event on the University of Oregon campus. Be sure and find a good scorekeeper as the one we had (Caroline) was way out of practice. 😂
University of Oregon Campus.
The Covered Bridges Scenic Bikeway on cool Spring morning.
RV Location:
Premier RV Resort
33022 Van Duyn Road
Eugene, Oregon 97408
The Premier RV Park has a nice pool table, a small dog park, and a nice picnic area. Road noise from I5 is a consideration but the park worked well for our family time.
Brandy enjoys the water and her time at the Dog Park.