End of Season III: “Just What the Doctor Ordered”
We start in Munising, Michigan… heading South to Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and end on the Gulf of Mexico for the Winter. What a plan!
End of Season III - Chapter 11
The U.P. and Heading Down
“Just What the Doctor Ordered”
The start: Pictured Rocks in Munising, Michigan.
“Just What the Doctor Ordered” 🩺
Once again we thank you all for riding along, as many of you have become part of our story. As before, this chapter is an opportunity to share our thoughts about this season. For a recap of our journey, we encourage you to explore for yourself Chapters 1-10.
Most everyone arrives at at a point in their lives where they have run out of gas. When your life revolves around travel and motorcycles, running out of gas has even more consequences. Fortunately, for John and I, fuel management has rarely been a problem, however, we did recognize that our energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration while living on the road had become depleted... TIME TO REFILL THE TANKS!
And so the title “Just What the Doctor Ordered” comes in to play.
Michigan is filled with amazing hiking, biking, and motorcycling.
Here is the Rx: (prescription.)
1. RxImagine the Goal: We set out to explore America, not to see how fast we can explore America. In the U.P. we agreed to slow our roll and it has become the perfect stride.
2. RxNovate the Path: One road (Route 66) became daunting, but adding several roads turned out to be more satisfying. We all know that there is more than one path to most destinations. Choose one that makes you smile.
3. RxSearch the opportunities: If you are not in a hurry you are able to experience more of the things an area has to offer at just the perfect time.
Indiana is home to the wonderful Amish communities, horse and buggy racing, and Notre Dame.
Recent years have taught most of us that things may not turn out as you expected. John and I do not rehearse chaos, but we do plan for it... blown RV tire, high winds, $8.00 per gallon fuel... WAIT!...
We didn’t see that one coming! 😳
Slowing our roll has increased the gap between event and response...
Slow down and be present where you are!
There are so many things to see and do in Ohio. A definite repeat visit for us.
4. RxCount... 8 States, 2049 miles, in 153 days have been the most rewarding part of our journey so far.
5. RxFlect Back: Reflecting back on Season III has been a joy. Each location has added so much to our lives from the natural beauty of Michigan and Savannah, to the diversity of people including the Amish in Indiana to the Gullah Geechee Culture of South Carolina.
And then there is the cuisine! Mackinac Fudge has an edge on Sugar Cream Pie, a Hot Brown competes with Skyline Chili, but all take the second place trophy to Savannah’s Lowcountry Boil! 😋
Kentucky is home to bourbon, horses, and warm people.
So now, we will take the next couple of months to RxFuel, RxFresh, and RxNew for Season IV. The Sugar Sand Beach in front of our RV is the backdrop to our next plan. We won’t share all of the details, but it starts on Fat Tuesday and ends where Lobster is the star!
It has been... “Just What the Doctor Ordered” 🩺
Thanks for following along for Season III.
Travel safe and we will see you out on the road!
Caroline and John 🍀
Our plan for motorcycling of a lifetime: The Tail of The Dragon and The Blue Ridge Parkway in Tennessee.
Georgia is quite a special place. There are forts, beaches, oak trees with Spanish moss, and history filled Savannah. The low country is filled with areas to hike, bike, ride, and explore.
Be sure and look back on Chapters 1-10 for all the details of where we parked the RV, our points of interest, and all of the motorcycling rides we had time “and energy” for. 😎