QWork Compression Latch Install for RV Doors

Click the Image above to purchase on Amazon.

We are now able to share an Amazon link in order to provide our RV improvements with our readers.

This install video is turning out to be quite popular and we have been given some positive feedback on using this item on viewers RV doors.

We love the QWork Compression latches and apparently you guys do too. We are happy to say that we can now provide a link to this product on Amazon and at least get some credit for introducing you to it.

As a side... John just finished the install on the front bay door of our fifth wheel and now we are both happy.

Let us know how it goes if you decide to do the install.

John and Caroline

We will earn credit on Amazon for qualifying purchases.

John actually purchased his 5” Lexan Scissors at an RC shop. This is an example of a pair

This Silcone can be used for touch up all around the rig. Use after installing the Compression Latches.

X-Acto Basic Knife Set:

Any Hobby knife set would work. Be sure and take your time for cutting through the exterior to limit chipping.

Thanks for watching!

J & C


Water, Travel, & Safety Items


The Shamrock Tour - Camping Journal: Now available on Amazon! ☘️