Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Season III - Chapter 7
The U.P. and Heading Down
“The Smokies are blazing with color, but the Dragon’s flame has been exhausted.”
Many people will tell you where you need to be to watch the changing of the seasons, but when it comes to the Great Smoky Mountains, a million people can’t be wrong. 😳
We arrived in East Tennessee in time to watch the hillsides turn from green to amber, orange, and red. The Smokies, named for the ever present humidity, appeared on fire rather than smoldering. It turns out that this is “peak season” in the park and the crowds did challenge us. We were able to strike a balance between the well traveled and the remote.
Hen Wallow Falls trail provided the perfect hike with little traffic and stunning views. We were able to link up with friends from the road again, Scott and Genevieve, remember our trip down into the Grand Canyon in Season II? (See link below) This hike rewarded us with more color but far less warmth... 39 degrees, that’s right 39 not the 70’s we were promised. Oh well, layer up and let’s go. Hen Wallow Falls is a moderate hike with several creek crossings and beautiful views. Dozens of trails bisect this park, the most visited in the National Park system, but just finding a parking space can be difficult. What I’d like to say is this place is packed.
Clingman’s Dome and Cade’s Cove Loop are the other high traffic, very popular destinations that we checked off our list, but, as we alluded to in the title, we came to slay a Dragon!
The lair of this beast lies between the shoulders of the 129 to North Carolina at Deals Gap. The Tail of the Dragon reaches mythical status to the octane impaired, with 318 curves in eleven miles, with names like The Whip, Killboy Corner, and Gravity Cavity. This road inspires memories and creates legends; we are now one! The moments you spend on the tail become a blur, with little time to appreciate nature’s paintbrush, you are setting up the next series of turns, all while avoiding the Porsche turbo heading your way! The adrenaline rush turns to relief when you slip into the Deals Gap Resort. Hundreds of the faithful gather to pay respects at the “Tree of Shame,” always aware of the risks we take by engaging in this sport.
The Tail of the Dragon is Motorcycle Mecca. Where ever people on two wheels gather, it’s name is mentioned... “Not yet” was our reply. From this day forward: “Slayed It” becomes our response!
This area has a plethora of fantastic roads: Cherohala Skyway, The Blue Ridge Parkway, Moonshine 28, and the one that says “Pavement Ends in 9 miles” alongside the little Pigeon River may be the best!
East Tennessee was a delight... crowds excluded. It was also a turning point. From Rocky Top we head south to Savannah trading vittles and moonshine for Spanish Moss and Palmetto trees. So sorry Michigan, I got Georgia on my mind... 🎵🎶🎵
“The Smokies are blazing with color, but the Dragon’s flame has been exhausted.”
Travel safe and we will seeing you in the Peach State.
Georgia... what secrets will you share?
John and Caroline 🍀
Our fall view from Clingman’s Dome in the Great Smoky National Park.
Points of Interest:
1. Besides our visit to Dollywood, this busy area is filled with miniature golf, roller coasters, family entertainment, and so many pancake houses. This place has it all! For us, we were here for the Tennessee roads. (See Scenic Motorcycle Rides below)
2. Hike: Clingman’s Dome: At 6643 feet elevation, the highest point in Tennessee, it is a steep climb so be prepared to take a few short breaks. The view is worth the climb!
3. Hike: Hen Wallow Falls - Part of The Great Smoky Mountain National Park but avoids the crowds.
4. Bike: Cade’s Cove Loop. An 11 mile ride at the end of the park near Townsend, but avoid the crowds on the weekends. We did see elk, deer, and several black bear during our time in the park.
Scenic Motorcycle Routes:
1. Epic ride: “The Tail of The Dragon” on Route 129 with the 318 curves in 11 miles is one every motorcyclist dreams of riding. Yes.. we slayed the Dragon... twice!
2. The Blue Ridge Parkway has a total of 469 miles. We were able to catch several miles and would love to ride the entire route on our next trip through!
3. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park and Cades Cove Loop: Despite the traffic this area is simply too beautiful to avoid. We caught the peak fall and “leaf peeping” season and for that it was worth the wait.
RV Location:
Mill Creek Resort
449 W. Mill Creek Road
Pigeon, Forge, Tennessee 37863
*We were wedged in to site #12 in front of 4 other sites. The sites are not level and getting in to the resort was a challenge. Avoiding any side roads in this area would be wise as the approach is twisty and steep in areas.
The best attribute for this RV park for John and I was within two quick turns you were headed in to the Great Smoky National Park, and for that we were grateful, missing morning traffic and having quick entrance in to the national park.
Two videos of our time here in Tennessee. Between the rides and the spectacular fall colors you cannot beat this area for travel.
Part II… “All Roads Lead to the Dragon!”
Part I… Intro to “The Dragon!”